07948 551990


Opening hours

Tuesday  11am - 8pm

Thursday 12pm - 8pm

Saturday 9am - 5pm

Laser hair removal specialists


Am I suitable for laser hair removal?

At Immaculate Skin we understand there are many reasons that a person will opt to have laser hair removal...

  • For many men and women (including me) it is a solution to problematic excess hair this may be due to:
  • your ethnicity,
  • hormones (including peri menopause and menopause)
  • hormonal conditions (such as PCOS)
  • genetics.

  • It is a welcomed solution to the tedious ritual of shaving, particularly areas constantly exposed such as underarms and legs.

  • It is also the only long lasting hair removal method to eliminate ingrown hairs, particularly common in the bikini line area.

  • Our laser is suitable for all skin types.  Laser hair removal for black skin is particularly effective at reducing or eliminating pigment caused by irritation from hair growth (common on the face).

  • Laser does not work on blonde or grey hair

  • Laser hair removal for swimmers, laser hair removal for cyclists, laser hair removal for body builders and laser hair removal for dancers helps to save time and achieve superior results to other methods.

  • Let our experinced team help you with a proven long lasting solution to unwanted hair!

Contact us now for your free consultation if you would like to receive the most effective form of laser hair removal in the comfort of a professional, friendly environment.


Please do take the time to browse through the website and learn more about the features of our technology, the difference between laser and IPL and read our FAQ's.


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